More than ever before there is the need to Unite, to come together and Connect with others. To rise beyond our own beliefs, ideas and limitations. 

To fully accept others as they are and above all, to fully accept ourselves. 

In this workshop, you have the opportunity to deepen your meditation practise, focusing on Loving Kindness, Awareness and Intention. 

There will be 3 guided meditation practises.
I will share what we can learn from the teachings of the Buddha and the Yoga philosophy.

What I hear too often in my conversations with people from all over the world is that they are struggling. Struggling with feeling irritable, dissatisfied, restless and purpose-less.

No bueno...

Every single situation is different but the one thing that most people experience right now in these troubling times is the lack of Rest. The news keeps coming in, the conversations about what we still can and can not do, the anxiety about the future, ...

Unless you're hiding in a cave somewhere, it seems very difficult to escape the overall anxiety that is present in the world right now. 

You can however challenge the idea that we need to create more peace of mind. What if it already there and you just forgot how to tap into it? What if the thinking mind is just taking you for spin now but it IS possible to get a grip on your thoughts? 

That is what this workshop is all about. About tapping into your Essence, your peace of mind, the calm that is already residing in your body and mind.

Opening up to the Joy of Living

with Meditation & modern day Dharma Teachings
What does it mean to live a meaningful life?

  • Meditation

    Deepen your practise

  • Dharma

    What do the scriptures tell us

  • Inspiration

    Support & Sharing

Your teacher

Rachel Bonkink

I'm a meditation teacher, a published author, a mindset coach, an accomplished speaker and the founder of Revealing Vajra-amazing yoga retreats. In a past life, I fully enjoyed the corporate life as an operational director of medical market research firm. Grateful to have followed many in person trainings (over 1000 hours) with Paul Grilley, Sarah Powers, Bernie Clarke, Alan Wallace and many others. My favourite thing to do is to make meditation accessible and guide people in connecting with peace of mind. Contact me if you have any questions and I hope to see you soon!

What, how, when?

Let's get practical

  • Recording of  Saturday, November 13th, 2021.
  • View this at any time! 

What to do next?

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